Hero Dog Treats Gift Basket
Pets > Food
Item ID | Starting Bid | Bids | Current Bid |
36844 | $60.00 | 4 | $80.00 |
We are so happy this year to have Hero Dog Treats donating one of their big basket of goodies. We had the booth next to them at the Toronto Pet Expo in March and the line ups to them were always full. Can't beat advertising like that!
HeroDogTreats™ supports the Canadian Service Dog Foundation, employs military veterans, and contracts community living personnel. They do this to give back to the community. All of their products are single ingredient, and from government inspected suppliers. They like to say, what you see is what you get, a duck foot is a duck foot and a chickens foot a chicken’s foot. They guarantee that, “You HERO will love you for it!”
Thank you Krista for donating this to our auction!
VALUE: $100
This big basket contains one of each of the following:
Beef lung 100g
Rabbit ears 150g
lamb liver 125g
Chicken Breast 125g
Beef Trachea 4pcs
Rabbit Feet 150g
12” Braided Bull Pizzle
Ribbon Pizzle