Tree Huggers
Pets > Supplies
Item ID | Starting Bid | Bids | Current Bid |
36860 | $20.00 | 0 | $0.00 |
VALUE: $40
Donated by Jill Moss, the inventor of Tree Huggers
Don’t you just love camping on those lazy warm summer days, sitting back, relaxing, sun shining…life is great until…you look over and see that your 4 legged friend has managed to get their lead tangled up for the 257th time?
Every time they investigate all those great sounds and smells, they manage to dump the food and water dishes as if it was some kind of mission to drive us pet-parents crazy!
After the 4th or 5th time, you wise up, relocate the dog to a different spot, only to see that they manage to do the same thing, over, and over again. It’s a level of insanity that will quickly rob anyone of their peaceful attempt at relaxation in the great outdoors.
Last summer, I was sitting aroundwhile camping, and Lily, our beloved Wheaton Terrier, had again tipped her water bowl over. I was at my wits end and thought, why doesn’t someone make bowls that hang from trees?
In a flash it hit me! Hawt Diggity Dog I should invent them! Bowls that sit snuggly on the side of a tree so that no matter how many laps Lily wants to do around that tree, she won’t be able to tip her bowls over! It was as if the clouds parted and the birds started singing. I quickly got to work on designing Tree Huggers to save all our fellow pet-parents from a similar mind numbing, aggravating vacation.
item located Gabriola Island British Columbia